Evangelism is seen in John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” Evangelism starts with God and proceeds through His Son Jesus, being sent on a mission to provide salvation for the condemned.
Village Evangelism
We, too, have been sent on a mission to bring people to Jesus for salvation, not to condemn them. The lost are condemned already. We don’t have to do that. As believers on a mission, we need to focus on declaring to the lost that Jesus saves. We do village mission trips because 80% of people in Africa live in villages and they have no access to the word of God as people in town do.
Beautiful Feet Africa reaches remote villages of Tanzania and East Africa community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We work with churches in villages preaching Jesus Christ. We encourage people to share the love of Christ to others through our training programs.