Why Reach Africa?
- 60% of Africa now claims Islam; in 19 countries, Islam is the religion of the majority with 99.9%
- False gospels continue to grow
- The original idea of evangelism and church planting has been perverted

How We Reach Africa
- By making disciples of Jesus Christ
- By teaching the truth of the Gospel
- By spreading the Good News diligently
- By planting churches in Africa
Our Goal is to Reach the East African Community (EAC)
- Burundi
- Rwanda
- Kenya
- Uganda
- South Sudan
- Tanzania
The population in the EAC is 168,848,000 and the Muslim population is expected to swell from 70.3 million in 2010 to 109.5 million in 2030
The only way to combat this is by sharing the Good News diligently, planting churches continually and equipping pastors effectively.
Our Specific Vision Target

- Train 50,000 pastors & leaders
- Plant 1,200 new churches
- Win 1,000,000 people to Christ
- Provide 60,000 Bibles in 6 countries
- Roof 600 churches
- Equip 20,000 Women for ministry
- Minister to 30,000 children
- Help 200 destitute children
Our Immediate Ministry Needs
- Buy a ministry vehicle – $20,000
- Raise support for BFA ministry personnel
- Raise funds for 60,000 Bibles
- Raise funds to roof 600 churches
Mission Opportunities
- Evangelism
- Bible Donation
- Church planting
- Pastor & Leadership training
- Women’s Ministry
- Youth ministry in Churches, schools and colleges
- Children’s ministry & destitute children assistance
- Roofing churches
- Medical mission trips/Community health care
Because of Your Partnership With US
- 1,200 churches will be planted in Africa
- 50,000 pastors & leaders will be trained and equipped for the great commission
- 60,000 Bibles will be donated
- 1,000,000 people will hear the Word of God
- 600 Churches will be roofed in Africa
Today We Can Change Africa

- We are asking you to donate today to reach Africa
- We are asking you to donate today to buy a ministry vehicle
- We are asking you to partner with us today by joining our mission trips to Africa
We Welcome individuals, groups, missionaries, organizations and churches willing to partner with us in Africa to accomplish this vision.